Tungsten Carbide Bushing/Bushing Specification

БDue to their excellent properties, such as scratch and corrosion resistance, efficiency in heat conduction and sturdiness mean that tungsten carbide Bushings are the most suitable choice for applications that involves heavy amount of friction such as the oil exploration industry.
Appearance:silver gray metal luster
Supply state: sintering or processing
Standard: GB/T 4187-1984 ASTM F288-90

Properties of Tungsten Carbide Bushing/Bushing
1. Abrasive resistant, anti-corrosion, high efficiency of heat conduction, low maintenance. Good compression property,high strength,stable performance.
2. Hardness: 10 times that of gold, 5 times that of tool steel, 4 times that of titanium. Oil resistance, separates the harmful media.
3. No shape change, high bending strength with temperature, long life span.
4. Large and extensive size.

Carbide Bushing/bushing is mainly used for oil industry,high temperature furnace compnents, crucible, missile rocket nozzels etc. It is also used for pressing blanks for spinning thin-wall tubes and other special purposes.

МWe can offer any tungsten material Bushing (pure tungsten Bushing,tungsten alloy Bushing,tungsten carbide Bushing) suitable for different working environments.